Episode 3a – Read all about it

26th Mendar 847 IE

The Doskvol Tribune

Killer at large

Mysterious killer stalks Doskvol

Over the past nine days three bodies have been found on the streets of Doskvol. Each corpse was discovered in a different district, the cause of death being due to multiple stab wounds.

In each case the spirit bells at Bellweather Crematorium failed to ring and a deathseeker crow was not dispatched. City officials are at a loss to explain why this is. The Spirit Wardens have been unavailable for comment.

The Lord Govenor has requested that the Bluecoats show a greater presence and asks that nobody should travel the streets alone until the killer is brought to justice.

Fire in the streets

Gang war causes residential destruction

Residents of the districts of Brightstone, Charterhall, and Six Towers were shocked last night to find no less than eight buildings ablaze. The communities worked tirelessly throughout the night and managed to get the fires under control, but not before each of the structures had been damaged extensively.

One building, a residential property in Charterhall exploded killing three locals. It is thought that the cellar was being used as a warehouse to hide explosives.

Commander Clelland, chief commisioner of the City Watch has released a statement blaming the attrocity on feuding gangs, and asks all residents to be vigilant, reporting any suspicious activity to the local Bluecoats.