High Bidders


Kaltho Desilijic Gula belongs to one of the most prominent kajidics in Hutt Space. The key to his for­tune lies in his ownership of some of the largest and busiest spaceports and private loading docks on Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler’s Moon. Through these holdings, he collects hundreds of thousands of credits in fees and bribes every day, as even other Hutts must pay for access to his facilities. This has allowed Kaltho to expand into numerous other fields, including shipping (or smuggling), heavy manufacturing, arms dealing, and the spice trade.


Shreya is here on behalf of her university to acquire the corusca gem for research purposes and has secured a large grant with which to bid on the gem. 


Mil Mikkir was born to a life of luxury and wealth, thanks to his father’s expansive business endeavors, and he has continued to live off of his inherited money and status all his life. While he technically has a po sition as a manager in one of the Outer Rim’s most profitable construction firms, he owes his job entirely to his father—for both the initial hire and his continued employment.

POS PODURA [Twi’lek]

Pos Podura is one of the most out-of-place individuals attending the high-class gala. The young Twi’lek managed to get past the screening for the auction’s bidders through bluffing, luck, and credentials stolen from far up the corporate ladder at the firm where he works. His continued attendance is dependent on a great number of fragile ruses holding together, and he knows it—just as he knows he has no real chance of paying for the Jewel of Yavin.


To many involved with the auction, the old human Elaiza is as much a curiosity as a bidder. She does not appear rich, powerful, or connected. Grayson’s staff has begun a betting pool as to whether the apparently batty old woman is reclusive royalty, a secretive mastermind from a crime syndicate, or simply someone who saved credit after credit for more years than most.


The human crime boss Vorse Tabarith runs many of the local racketeering and bookkeeping operations, operating many of Cloud City’s casinos and resorts as fronts and forcing more still to pay him protection money. His syndicate is a relatively small player on the galactic stage but still the most prominent criminal operation on Bespin. He is also married to Aris Shen.


Works for the Outer Rim Exploratory Mining Corps acquiring display pieces worthy of a Core Worlds gallery. The mining consortium she represents would pay a great deal for a display piece such as the Jewel of Yavin.