A Well Earned Promotion

By the power vested in my by His Majesty Emperor Karl-Franz I, and by the power of Most Holy Sigmar I do hereby confer upon you, Gregory Botman, the rank of Interrogator. Undoubtedly the most cardinal position in this, our great congregation of Witch Hunters.

This is more than just a job, it is a calling. A mission to hunt down the foul energies wherever they may reside and ruthlessly extinguish them from this fair Empire.

The Enemy Without, and the Enemy Within, two dread foes aligned against our society that we must meet head on with faith, intellect, steel, and good conscience. There is not one in this great brotherhood afraid of putting his very soul on the line in order to fight back this vile darkness. No less will be expected of you, Interrogator Botman.

Having shown yourself to be resourceful and resilient in the face of this vile wickedness I appoint to you now an errand of great importance. Track down this transgressor, this criminal, this delinquent. The one by the name of Etelka Herzen, and dismantle all of her unholy endeavours. Leave not a single stain upon this Glorious Empire.

Rumours have been heard of this malefactor to the North. You have a week to get your affairs in order here in Bögenhafen, then you must travel down the river Bögen to Weissbruck and begin your investigations there.

Trust in Sigmar. Trust in your friends – though shoddy and no doubt disreputable, they seems like a capable lot. Sigmar sends us allies in the unlikeliest of disguises, but I beseech you, beware once again the Enemy Without and the Enemy Within. This applies as much to your comrades as it does to the Empire as a whole.

I await with great pleasure news of your victories. If you ever pass this way, remember, you always have a safe haven here with us in Bögenhafen.

Yours, Hans Schubeck, Witchfinder General, Bögenhafen.